- The IMO requests each flag state to actively enforce international treaties and manage thorough safety of its ships by the introducing the MAS system.
- Flag State Control (FSC) is a measure taken to secure the safety management of Korea’s flag carriers so that they can acquire a status as an excellent ship safety management nation on the globe.
Relevant laws
- Article 69 of the Ship Safety Act (Foreign Control of Country of Port, etc.) and Article 91 of the enforcement regulations of the same act (Special Inspection)
Target ships
The ministry of oceans and fisheries Affairs conducts the special safety inspection of ships entering Incheon Port among notified ships (priority control targets).
Target ships are ships which have detention records in foreign ports or have had especially high instance of targeted factors within the recent three years
⇒The special safety inspection is conducted in a quarterly basis.
Actions taken to defective ships
- Issue an order of suspension of navigation or order of correction and supplement
- During the special inspection, training on how to respond to Port State Control (PSC) in foreign ports is also conducted to the target ship crewmen.